Northeast Ursamen Pride '99 Logo

The national theme for Gay PRIDE 1999 was "A Powerful Past, a Powerful Future." The gay men's social club I belong to, called the Northeast Ursamen, needed a way to present this theme as we paraded down the streets of Hartford, Connecticut.  I proposed the initial concept of re-rendering the club logo "Neuman" (shown below) in period costume from the past and the future.  The logo I drew (shown above),  was used to decorate the club's limited edition commemorative t-shirt, and was used as the basis for the club float (shown below).  The club earned itself the highest award for its entry in the Hartford PRIDE festival parade: Best Interpretation of Theme.  Feel free to visit the Northeast Ursamen website.


The Club Float - as pictured in The Hartford Courant, June 20, 1999
"Neuman" - the Northeast Ursamen club logo.


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© 1987-2000 David L. Bielski, Jr.
"Neuman" and all likenesses thereof are  © The Norheast Ursamen, Inc.; no rights implied.