"Risk Management"

"Two Trucks"

"Dump Truck"



"Risk Balancing"

"Public Exposure"

"Regulator Holding Stop Sign"

A had the priviledge of doing some freelance cartooning for the remediation department of a major industrial company based in Hartford, CT.  They were putting together a presentation that discussed their recent site cleanup projects and steps they took to manage risk.  They liked my work for "Mitigating Murphy's Law", so they called me up!

The scope of the original project was described by the client as "dump trucks and regulators holding stop signs."  The client later proposed some ideas considered too wild by their conservative management, thus the project was scaled back.  The first four drawings on the left show were actually purchased; the remaining three are my personal favorites of the ones which were passed over (and still for sale!).


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© 2001 David L. Bielski, Jr.