
Voltron Trilogy
Fan Fiction
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Fan Fiction

When I was in High School, Voltron was on TV and my friends all loved it! Two of us, however wrote our little fingers off with several stories that continued the story after the show completed it's first run of the Lion Force and Vehicle Team. At the time these were written, there was no second season of Voltron, no Fleet of Doom, and certainly no V3D (and Amalgamus). We wrote our own version of what it would have been like if the two Voltron teams joined together. Of course, this even pre-dates the branding of the Vehicle Team as such (hence the best name we could come up with, "Voltron of Ships").

Thrown into the Voltron universe of course were loads of extra... our high school friends were all thrown into various roles as themselves... knights, chamber maids, spies, you name it. We even cast our favorite teachers though they never knew about it.

Missing of course is Voltron II, the Gladiator Team. We weren't sure how World Events planned to incorporate the third story arc, so we left him out, only to find that he would be replaced by Lion Force season 2 with Cossak, Merla, and crappy animation.

These stories were originally written on an IBM PCjr, and were rescued from 20th century technology using several steps. First, the files had to be accessed using the original software, IBM Writing Assistant, and "printed" to ASCII text files on a machine that could still run the program and read & write to both 5.25" and 3.5" disks (the winning machine was a salvaged IBM PS/1). Next, the text files were written out to 3.5" disks. The disks were then fed to my old Dell machine that runs Windows ME (and consequently, can't really talk to my other computers). The files were then FTP'ed via a private account over to my current HP Pavilon, and the files were re-edited into Rich Text. So here are the first few installments, saved from the clutches of oblivon... please enjoy!

Media Corner


"The Adventures and Affairs of Voltron: Defender of the Universe!"

Book One: Enter Stage Left

Chapter One: Lady Gooch
Chapter Two: Krystal
Chapter Three: Wizard Michael