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Troop Groop Introduces "Nuclear Betty Ford"!

Hartford, Jacksonville
Friday, September 17, 2015

After a 25 year resting period, Troop Groop arises once more. Today the band is pleased to bring you their new single, "Nuclear Betty Ford", available for your sonic pleasure at their new Soundcloud site. This song, though decidedly simple in nature, is the end result of many months of work that took place from opposite ends of the Eastern Seaboard, and is hopefully the first of many more to come. Originally known for their experimental, low-tech, and comedic songs from the late 1980's, Troop Groop has developed their sound further, while still keeping their approach fresh and fun.

"One the original contending names for our band was actually Nuclear Betty Ford," explains Dave. "Some time ago, when we decided to reunite, we both went to this idea straight away. We both felt that Betty Ford has been underrated as a leader and a role model, and we want to help make her into a gay icon. She is the ultimate stong woman. The song itself is also a sendup to our favorite 80's classics that were simple, danceable, and fun. Our band has always been about fun. In a sense, "Nuclear Betty Ford" picks up where we left off so long ago. We have come a long way, and have so much further to go. We hope everyone enjoys it."

Jay adds his personal comments. "This song represents an evolution in who we are. As we have aged gracefully, so have our skills and ability. Our music has always been experimental and experiential. Our progess has alwasy been organic, where we learned to use what's around us. While we have chosen to have Betty Ford be somewhat comedic, it's really an homage to her as an advocate for equal rights and women's reproductive rights. She has not received the recognition she deserves as a pioneer. Most often people associate her with her treatment center, but she has done so much more for equality, and it's time someone told her story in music. She has become my personal idol."

To commomorate the relaunch of Troop Groop, plans are in the works to release "Nuclear Betty Ford" as a 7" picture disc. Please follow us on Facebook and drop us a note if you are interested in purchasing one. The run will be extremely limited, and will be sold at-cost.

In the meantime, please enjoy the song here: